March Sophie
One year ago I picked up a paintbrush and opened YouTube to begin my art journey. This coincided with my move from Sydney to Elands, where the peaceful forest surroundings
inspire me to be creative. Since then, I have dabbled with watercolours, acrylics and digitalart. I enjoy using artistic creation as a way to relax and exercise my mind as I learn new
techniques and styles. I work as a medical scientist and art helps me deal with the stresses of the job.
“Scrub Prince” depicts a lyrebird in the forest, with plumage more splendid than reality. This reflects the colourful vocalisations of the bird, renowned for its incredible powers of mimicry.
The lyrebird is a well known character of the Bulga plateau, often spotted while driving the
dirt roads in the area. “Scrub Prince” is painted using acrylics on canvas.
If you would like to follow my art journey, follow me on instagram: @rookie_hues