Dec – Mel
Mel loves to play with all sorts of fun things, especially making marks on surfaces. All sorts of surfaces: paper, canvas, wood, metal, skin …anything…

Mel is an uncontemporary painter who likes to work in many mediums. One of her favourites is ink where she enjoys playing with drips, line and shapes and pulling out landscapes,faces, or anything that basically comes out of the end of the brush or pen.

A sense of place features prominently in most of her work. As she immerses herself in the creative process the surroundings have a direct influence on her work.
Mel completed a two year Certificate IV in Fine Arts and printmaking at Wauchope TAFE, admittedly only going there to use the equipment.

Mel has had work in many exhibitions and took out first prize at Hunter Valley Waste to Art Sculpture Exhibition 2003.
Mel was also a part of the Spider Project with 15 other people, dissecting over 900 soft toys destined for landfill. Over a 6 month period the group turned a huge pile of coloured fluff intoa giant orb-weaver spider. The work was displayed at Port Macquarie Glasshouse for three
weeks and then travelled around Australia for 6 months (
Mels work, whatever it may be, elicits a response from the viewer engaging,interacting, & I see a face ;I see a fairy, Why? It is whatever you think it is.Drawing influence from everything from;Mr Squiggle & Rorschach ink blots,topographical maps, John Olsen, james Gleeson, lines in the sand, clouds in the sky, fun,play, imagination and more fun…..


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